Jak prawidłowo zbierać grzyby?

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Grzybobranie to doskonały sposób na spędzenie czasu na łonie natury, ale wymaga odpowiedniego przygotowania. Najbezpieczniej zbierać tylko te grzyby, które dobrze znamy, np. borowiki, podgrzybki czy koźlarze. Ważne jest śledzenie pogody, wybór odpowiednich miejsc i unikanie podejrzanych okazów. Niezbędne są też wygodne, nieprzemakalne buty oraz kosz zamiast torby. Grzyby najlepiej delikatnie wykręcać, by nie uszkodzić grzybni. Po zbiorach można j

Chanterelle season 2024

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Chanterelles – a sign of high summer in Poland – and a favorite mushroom during summer mushroom picking.High Summer is the peak of the Chanterelle season. This year, the Chanterelle season started a bit later, because we had a full harvest only from mid-July. The Chanterelle harvest also lasted shorter than we had expected, because at the beginning of September, after two weeks without rain, the harvest ended – however, in August, it can be c

40th anniversary of the Leśne Skarby company

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From its humble beginnings to its current location, KASOL is proudly celebrating its 40th anniversary. Thanks to a constant passion for excellence and commitment to meeting customer needs, the Leśne Skarby brand quickly gained a leading position on the domestic forest floor processing market.


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The leader among mushroom producers is PHZ KASOL J.A. Kazberuk had the opportunity to participate in the Alimentaria&Hostelco 2024 food and beverage fair, which took place on March 18-21, 2024 in Barcelona (Spain).

Congress of Chefs and Restaurateurs 2023

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On October 24, 2023, the largest gastronomic congress in Poland, the Congress of Chefs and Restaurateurs, took place in Warsaw. This is traditionally a unique event during which crowds of gastronomy professionals from all over Poland meet on one day and in the same space.

ANUGA 2023

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On October 7 - 11, 2023, a food and beverage fair was held in Cologne (Germany). The event was attended by approximately 140,000 industry guests from 200 countries and approximately 7,900 exhibitors from 118 countries.
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