Forest Treasures Cup 2023

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The 3rd edition of Leśne Skarby Cup took place on September 9-10, 2023. In the 1st League, the final was a repeat of last year. Michał Słoka and Mateusz Matyczak faced each other and again it was Michał Słoka who won the title. Among the women, the best turned out to be Magdalena Motal-Brzosko, while the second was Julia Wdziałońska.

Forest Treasures at the Mushroom Festival event

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The event took place on September 9, 2023. at the Local Product Center in Sokol. PHZ Kasol participated in organizing this event. It was a great celebration of gourmets of regional dishes, lovers of mushroom picking, forests, rest and relaxation in the bosom of nature.
Our employee and seven local entrepreneurs, together with board member Wieslawa Burnos, a public figure, represented our region in the sectoral mission of the Podlaskie Voivodeship in Lithuania.

KASOL unites

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On May 13, 2023, a corporate event “BONFIRE IN COUNTRY STYLE” was held in Zaścianek Podlaski for employees of the company KASOL.
Na zdjęciu Lukasz Kazberuk wraz z innymi przedsiębiorcami z regionu oraz Władzami Województwa podczas misji gospodarczej promującej produkty pochodzące z Województwa Podlaskiego w Brukseli.
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