Today we present you the most beautiful (in our opinion) and one of the most exclusive mushrooms which are morels. Do you know them? Under the Leśne Skarby brand, they are available in frozen and dried form. For dried morels, visit our online store: Edible smard is one of the tastiest mushrooms that we can eat. However, it should not be eaten raw, because in this form it is slightly poisonous to humans. Edible morels are rare in Poland and are strictly protected, which is why Polish mushroom pickers go to the Czech Republic and Slovakia to collect them. The fruiting body of the morel (called the head) reaches a diameter of 3 to 7 cm. and a height of 3 to 10 cm. It can be spherical, oval, ovoid or conical in shape. It's empty inside. Usually it is beige or ocher in color, sometimes there are gray or black specimens. Edible Lard is a very tasty edible mushroom. It contains large amounts of fiber and protein, as well as carbohydrates and fats. It also contains trace amounts of vitamins and minerals. In Europe, it produces fruiting bodies in April and May. We invite you for recipes with the use of smardza on our blog -Leśne source: